14th July....gaji dah masuk.

Office called yesterday, I have to stay in Brissie till Tuesday next week, before fly to PNG (Yeaaaa!!!...paid vacation). Tak tau nak buat aper, so called my dear wife (tuan punya blog nie laaa...), dia suggested pegi la tourist information center.

Googled maps, dekat jer pun  Queen Street Mall, Queen Street, Brisbane, +/- 1km dari hotel.
So menapak ajerlah....oh yea!
Hari nie tak hujan, weather is very nice!

Kat belakang live band tu laa Visitor Infomation Center
So masuk dalam tourist information center to, ramai orang penuh sesak. Biasalah weekend.

Ada laa sorang pak cik nie tegur aku (dia kija kat situ, umur dlm 65 -75 tahun). 
He's a pensioner... Kalo kat M'sia dah tak kija dah lepak2 main ngan cucu cicit ajer, tapi kat Oz nie sama macam kat S'pore (gi tengok kat Changi Airport, tukang kumpul troli suma taraf2 pensioner), 
pensioner pun kena kija...kija yang santai2 jer....dia org tak galakan pensioner dok makan tido jer sebelum mati....

Perhaps semua "Settlement State" (Oz, US, S'pore, NZ, Canada etc.) cam tu kot?
...correct me if I'm wrong.

So aku dah google sikit2 dah masa kat bilik hotel sebelum pegi situ tadi...

"I would like to have a day tour to Lady Elliot Island, Great Barrier Reef"....

So dia tu kira cam "pub & disco door host" jer laaa....dia senyum and direct aku kat sorang makcik, yg umurnyer sebaya kot ngan dia...taraf opah/wan aku (tangan pun terketar2 aku ingat dia nie ada Parkinson kot, sian masih kena kija)....
dia tanya aku (sambil terbongkok2 cari brochure yang berkenaan kat rak) 

" do you know this trip cost you about AU$700, because you have to fly from Brisbane to the island?"

"Yes I knew, that's not a problem, by the way book me on Monday 16th July, please"

So dia pun, suruh laa aku duduk, dia pun call travel agent, tanya2...
unfortunately, travel agent kata dia nak sekurang-kurangnya 2 orang, 
sekarang nie aku sorang ajer nak pegi, aku tanya Sunday ada trip tak?, pun tak der gak. 
Pelik, ngapa tak'der org nak pegi?

Dia kata sebab AU$700...agak mahal, tak ramai org nak pegi....huh!!. S*%#t laaaa!!! 
Aku ingatkan boleh laaa nak snorkelling kat Great Barrier Reef (part of the package). 
Tak'per-tak'per next time...I'll be back!!.

Dibelek2 brochures....jumpa laa Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary....12km dari city, buleh laaa...
So amik cab, kena AU$42.
Perghhh!! Mahal gak untuk 12 km.....so anyway not so bad.....for killing my time...

Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary nie adalah yang paling tua dan paling besar di dunia
(memang laaa...tempat lain kat dunia mana ada koala kan?)

So biasa jer laaa, petting zoo...untuk bebudak memang happening laaa....boleh feed the animals....aku jalan2 jer laaa....next time kena bawak bebudak and emak budak skali (kalau di izinkan Allah dan panjang umur).....baru best!!

Koala gemuk & gebu....macam Pia.....

Kangaroos and wallabies....biasa jer laaa.....cuma first time aku tengok joey
(baby kangaroo dalam mommy dia punya pouch)... interesting!!

Nampak kaki terkeluar tu tak?

Pastu ada laa jugak binatang2 lain...emu & cassowary

"Tails & scales"....reptiles & amphibians....

The elusive..Platypus....

Miscellaneous animals including dingoes, birds, wombats, possums...
and the most elusive and the most sneakiest of them all which is I haven't see in my 6 years plus in Oz so far...Tazzie Devil (haven't seen this devil as well when I was in Tasmania)....ada sangkar ajer...binatangnyer tak nampak.....

Tu yang susahnya Oz nie, 90% binatang dia nocturnal...
most of them "burrow" type..duk dalam lubang tanah...cam'ne nak nampak....

So kurang lebih pukul 4:30 pm, I moved my butt back to the city, 
this time by bus.....bloody cheaper than cab...just cost me AU$ 6.40......

On my way back there was a Germanic couple sat behind me 
(based on their language when they talking to each other, not sure whether German, Austrian, Swiss...they all talk almost similar language....Germanic). 

Anyway, my Nokia Lumia 800 slipped out from my short without I noticed it. 
When I want to leave the bus, he tapped my shoulder and asked, 

"Is this your phone?"....


...he smiled...me too.
Kalau kat M'sia...lesap dah..kirim salam jer lah.
Pernah dulu aku tertinggal telepon atas meja makan kat meja restaurant sebuah hotel kat Pantai Timur...(Sony Errikson jer pun)...tak sampai seminit tinggal....LESAP!!

Bonus question: On my way back, I passed this two cathedrals...... interesting.
Can anyone spot the different?

On the left is City Tabernacle Baptist Church which has Byzantine-Baroque architecture 
and on the right is St. John Cathedral which has Gothic architecture....

that's the different...the rest I don't care.