Or are you beautiful because I love you?
~Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, Cinderella
Juvanex Review: Hari ke-4: nite before Monday Blues begins, @ 27 February 2011
Hari2 sebelumnya, Yong asyik borak pasal detox journey.
Lupa plak nak explain lebih lanjut Juvanex ni apa.
Lebih elok korang2 tahu details of this product before start keter, gi cari Guardian terdekat.
1) Juvanex is a product made in New Zealand
2) 100% natural fibre complex, for a complete cleansing & rejuvenating program.
3) Fresh Lemon taste (tapi Yong rasa macam limau mandarin jer)
4) Retail price is RM160 (WM)/ RM168 (EM).
Kalau promotion kat Guardian, korang boleh beli ngan harga RM129 ajer!
5) Juvanex active ingredients:
a) Total-Cleanze: (aku tak tau apa benda yg total cleanze ni. Maybe ramuan rahsia?)
b) Psyllium husk: Info ni Yong ambil dari health website. Kalau rajin korang google le sendiri.
(For those suffering from constipation or diarrhea, appropriate daily dietary fiber intake can help improve these conditions. Aspsyllium husk travels through the human digestive tract, it absorbs water, but is not digested.
This results in stool that is bulkier, but also softer, translating to fewer problems with passing stool.)
c) Vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, B12
d) Nicotinamide:
(Nicotinamide is a form of vitamin B3 that may preserve and improve beta cell function.
Nicotinamide may have anti-diabetogenic activity in some.
It has been used in diabetes treatment and prevention. It may also have antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic activities.
Nicotinamide has demonstrated anti-inflammatory actions that may be of benefit to patients with
inflammatory skin conditions.)
e) Folic Acid
f) Vitamin C
g) Magnesium Oxide:
(In medicine, magnesium oxide is used for relief of heartburn and sore stomach,
as an antacid, magnesium supplement, and as a short-term laxative.
It is also used to improve symptoms of indigestion.)
h) Glutamine:
(Glutamine has been studied extensively over the past 10–15 years and has been shown to be
useful in treatment of serious illnesses, injury, trauma, burns,
and treatment-related side-effects of cancer as well as in wound healing for postoperative patients.)
i) Taurine:
(Taurine is a main ingredient in bile and aids in the digestion of fats
and the absorption of vitamins that are fat soluble.
It is a necessary acid that our body produces naturally.)
Now, lets start again with the progress of ,my 7 days detoxification.
Fuhhh.....macam nak pegi berperang je. Persediaan mental dan fizikal bukan main bersungguh.
Tapi strategi perang...berterabur! Kata nak buat serang hendap,
tapi bila nampak musuh...tercirit lari..hahaha!!!
Mesti korang tak paham...takpe. Yong sorang paham pun takpa, sebab Yong yang tulis....hehehe.
Malam sebelum tido, macam biasa Yong duduk depan sinki,
kocak2 shaker Juvanex tu...minum dengan nikmat.
Serius, tak tipu..Yong suka rasa dia! Menyegarkan!
Dan sebelum tido, Yong melawas yang menyegarkan tubuh badan. Giler best!
Memang asyik bangun buang air....tapi takpe, Yong paham ni part of the process.
In the morning, one more Juvanex to start my not so great day.
Kenapa tak great???
Hummm....ni la masalahnya. Part makan sedap2, Yong tak lupa.
Tapi lupa minum air secukupnya. Bila bangun tido...rasa lemah semacam.
Hidung start berair, tekak rasa pedih. Alaaaa.....selsema datang lagi!
Kalau Yong dehydrated, memang confirm selsema/demam. Tahu sangat dah.
Nak buat apa pun tak lalu. Masak spaghetti utk budak2....pastu Yong pun lebuh.
Nak bangun memang tak boleh. Sangat2 lemah weh, tak tipu nyer.
Pastu Yong perasan ada ulcer kat gusi aku, Ergghhh,,,,...tak suka!!
Walaupun begitu.....ada gak part yang Yong suka.
Perut Yong kat bawah rusuk dah tenggelam....HAHAHAHA!! (gelak jahat)
Selalu kembung jer...hari ni dah kecut.
Fuhhh.....Yong amat gembira..lalalala....sroot..sroot...(lap ingus ngan tisu)
Efek2 hari ke 4 ni;
1) Keterlawasan kencing yang agak aktif. Bagus utk buah pinggang...hehehe
2) Membuang pun nikmat. Lancar macam guna minyak RON 97.
3) Ulcer naik kat gusi sebab air banyak keluar (kencing),
tapi air kurang masuk (kurang minum).
4) Kurang dah brek angin lori.
Agaknya waste yg asyik dok produce angin bertoksik tu
dah selamat kat kolam Indah Water Konsortium..kan?
5) Yong demam selsema sebab dehydrated...srrooott...
Labels: HEALTH, Juvanex Review
okey jugak tapi kena minum banyak air sbb banya air yg kuar